Monday, September 08, 2008

Bush is a retard??

This man called President Bush retarded at the MTV awards.

Apart from the obvious irony, this reminds us that the Democrats keep insisting Bush is a moron. Yet he beat them. Twice.

This is the more beautiful irony: lefties constantly disparaging the intelligence of the man who keeps outsmarting them.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

President Palin

Since Palin was announced, my fear has been that (in spite of her not because of her) the Democrats would win the election and she would lose her eventual shot at the presidency.

Last night's speech was so impressive that it convinced me that Palin will be the first female president of the United States whether the Republicans win this election or not.


A fabulous speech, of course. Especially the section about Obama's 130 votes of "present".
And nearly 130 times, he couldn't make a decision. He couldn't figure out whether to vote yes or no. It was too tough.
I just wish that he had added. "I guess he thought those decisions were above his pay grade."

Palin's accomplishments

Last night's speech settled the matter for any objective listener. But, just in case you want more, there's a summary at Anchor Rising.

What a refreshing difference from last week's convention. Think about this: the Democrats went into the convention knowing that one of the main objections to Barack Obama as president is his anorexic resume. They had a week to make the case that Obama has accomplished something (other than writing self-congratulatory books). They had the friendliest audience imaginable. Obama could have claimed to have invented the internet and they would have bought it.

But, even in such a setting, nobody - not even Obama himself - could list any accomplishments other than winning the Democratic presidential nomination. Well, presidential elections are about electing people to govern, not to campaign. Obama has had years of opportunity to govern, but has never managed to do so. Palin, on the other hand, governed with astonishing effectiveness from day one in every sphere she's been in.

Oh, and lest we forget, all anybody is doing these days is comparing the Democrat's presidential nominee with the Republican's vice-presidential nominee. That alone says it all.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

MSM double standards

This post could go on forever. But it is an indication of the panic of MSM to contrast their treatment of Sarah Palin with their treatment of Obama.

On the one hand, the MSM hungrily publishes any and all rumours about Sarah Palin. Most of these could be proven false with only a few minutes of checking, but their is no fact-checking taking place. Although fact-checking is a given for any journalist with integrity, it is a road block to those trying to banish Palin. Having discovered that they have essentially nothing to directly criticize Palin for, they have bravely bonded together in waging war against a 17-year-old girl. Now that's journalism!

Contrast this with their reverence for Obama. They self-righteously insist that we're entitled to know these personal details (about Bristol Palin) because ... ummm ... we're not sure why. But the Democratic candidate for president is off limits. No need to know about his past. Nope. Move along, folks. Nothing to see here.

More effort (a hundred times more!) has been poured by "journalists" into investigating a teenage girl than into any examination of a man who might be the next president. Which network has investigated any of the following valid concerns:

1. Obama's long-standing and on-going relationship with an unrepentant domestic terrorist (William Ayers).

2. Obama's long-standing and on-going relationship with a racist, hate-spewing, anti-American "pastor" (Jeremiah Wright). Apparently Obama spent 20 years there and didn't notice the rabid anti-American racism that spews forth weekly. Obviously, that's a lie. But even if we were to grant Obama the benefit of the doubt, how does that get him off the hook? If a man can spend 20 years under the preaching of such a vicious hate-monger and not notice it, surely this man is not fit for the presidency. Obama spent 20 years and still didn't figure out what anyone else realizes in 5 minutes? Do we really want such an unspeakably dense man leading the free world? If Obama can have two decades of personal experience and blatant evidence and still not see the truth that is obvious to all, then surely he isn't the man to engage in talks with world leaders.

3. Obama's questionable business relations.

4. The fact that Obama - for all his bluster - can''t point to any accomplishments in his political career.

No, the MSM has no time for any of those vital questions. But they do have time to pry into the love life of teenage girls. Such is the dignity and significance of the MSM.

The only way for Palin (I mean, umm, McCain) to lose

If Palin isn't neutralized, and soon, we will watch McCain-Palin steadily gain steam with the result that the November election won't even be close.

It's impossible to neutralize Palin on merit, accomplishments, substance, or principle. There is only one way to finish her off: the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) must demonize her instantly. And man, are they trying. They realize that if the American public is allowed to make an informed decision concerning Sarah Palin, they will flock to her in droves. And so they must - at all costs - mislead the public.

This isn't something to be scoffed at. The media is, above all else, skilled at showmanship. They are experts at crafting fairy-tale (or horror story) worlds. Facts and accuracy are optional.

The MSM is panicked. They are pulling out all the stops in a desperate, desperate attempt to implant a false picture of Sarah Palin in the minds of Americans. If they don't, then it's the long, dark teatime of the Democratic party and the MSM is out to protect their own - their own politicians, their own views, their own elitist world.

But time is running out for them. If they don't succeed in groundlessly destroying Sarah Palin in the next week or two, if the American people learn who she really is, then the grizzly is out of the bag. And no-one's going to be able to put her back.

If Palin (I mean, umm, McCain) is elected...

1. The Democratic Party is dead. That isn't to say they won't one day be resurrected. But it will be a long time away. If they can't win the presidency this year, they certainly won't win it in 2012. The Democrats have every advantage this year. Such won't be the case again any time soon.

2. As the previous post stated, she will be the 45th president.

3. The Republican party will get a much-needed re-invigorating (if that's a word).

4. Republicans will make significant gains in both the House and the Senate in 2010 and retake both houses in 2012.

5. The MSM will continue its slow but inevitable death spiral.

6. Alec Baldwin may eventually move out of the U.S. (oh please, oh please).


In 2004, the U.S. was faced with a choice between a great president and a disaster. At the time, the contrast seemed extreme. However, the choice of 2008 makes the 2004 choice seem mild.

The United States will either elect the most liberal president in its history or it will elect conservative reformers - one of whom, if elected, will likely overhaul the shape of the Republican party and the country. If McCain becomes the 44th president of the United States, Sarah Palin will be the 45th. And that will mark a revival of conservatism to a degree not seen since Reagan.