Friday, October 21, 2011

Biden 2016!

So, Joe is toying with the idea of running for President in 2016. If he really wants to run, he should think about 2012 - Obama is the easiest opponent he'll ever face. Of course, knowing Joe, he probably meant to say 2012.

Monday, October 17, 2011

OWS - Obama's useful idiots

It's abundantly clear - even to the most diehard liberal - that Obama can't run on his record. No president in recent history (or perhaps any history) has managed to fail more spectacularly on more fronts than Obama has. So he has only one hope left if he wants a second term (and believe me, Mr. Ego wants a second term): demonize the Republicans. He won't run on his record. He won't run on any specific plans for fixing anything. All he will do is stoke the class warfare as much as he can in the hopes that he can anger enough ignorant people to tip the scales in his favour.

This is an utter betrayal of black America. Obama (and his toadies in the MSM) is going to undo decades of racial progress by deceitfully claiming that the Republicans are racist. Moreover, he will fan the flames of discontent and envy by repeating (ad nauseum) the lying narrative that the rich are abusing the poor. He will divide America as much as possible. He doesn't care what damage he does. He doesn't care how many lies he tells. All he cares about is getting re-elected.

To this end, he has decided to use the OWS crowd as unwitting pawns. Now, it goes without saying that they're unwitting. But it's still surprising to see just how gullible they are.

First, we note that Obama has received more campaign money from Wall Street than any other presidential candidate in history.

Second, we note that Obama repaid those favours by bailing out his Wall Street buddies with taxpayer dollars.

Third, we note that as the 2012 election approaches, Obama is going back to his Wall Street buddies for more money.

So there has never been a presidential candidate who has been more in the pocket of Wall Street than Barack Obama. And it is this very man who is now pretending to side with the anti-Wall Street mob in a desperate effort to get re-elected.

Regrettably, they're just dumb enough to fall for it. Remember ... these are the clowns who use their iPhones to tweet about how evil corporations are.

Thankfully, there aren't enough of them to matter ... it's hard to find very many Americans with their aversion to soap.

Terrorists, Commies, Nazis, and Obama

We already noted that terrorists (in this case, Iran) have endorsed OWS. Well, so have the Communists and Nazis. And Obama, THE SMARTEST MAN ALIVE!!!, showing his impeccable sense of timing, waited for all of them to jump on board before he did, too.

Ah, yes. That's what you want: a President who sides with terrorists, Commies, and Nazis.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Is terrorism good or bad? I forget.

One of the great things about being a conservative is that you never end up on the wrong side of the most basic moral debates. For instance, when forced to choose which it's better to kill: serial rapists or babies, conservatives say serial rapists and liberals say babies.

Similarly, if you knew nothing else, you could choose which party to vote for by finding out who terrorists support and then voting for the other guy. Is it a coincidence that in every U.S. presidential election in recent memory, the world's various terrorist organizations have railed against the Republican candidate and sided with the Democrat candidate? As soon as you hear Hamas, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, etc. singing the praises of one party, shouldn't that be sufficient evidence that the other party is to be preferred? For conservatives, it is. For liberals, well, not so much. After all, if you voted for the Republican, you'd be tacitly supporting Israel, and that's another area where liberals and terrorists are all too similar.

Anyway, this came to mind today when I read of Iran's crazy leader's (I know, I know ... that doesn't narrow it down enough) sympathy with the Occupy Wall Street crowd. I understand that they both have a shared aversion to bathing. But still. When a terrorism-supporting regime opts to side with your little group, don't you think that reveals the true nature of the group?

Conservatives don't have to apologize for why terrorist regimes support the Tea Party, because they don't. (Also, people in the Tea Party bathe regularly.)

Of course, I don't write this in an effort to convert liberals: if liberals were rational, they wouldn't be liberals. I just point out that conservatives enjoy the benefit of being on side with the salt of the earth while liberals keep finding themselves shacked up with terrorists, etc. (Insert your own Obama-Bill Ayers reference here.)

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Undeniable proof that Democrats can't govern

It's been almost 900 days since the Democrat-controlled Senate passed a budget. For most of that time, the House was also controlled by Democrats. So, even when they are in complete control of the Senate, House, and White House, the Dems are unable to pass a budget. (And remember ... during that time Obama presented his own budget which the Democrat-controlled Senate rejected 97-0. You can't make this stuff up. The Dems have their messianic president and yet not a single one of them will vote for his budget.)

And, of course, just because Democrats are not only incompetent but then have to lie and attempt to pass the buck, the one and only thing they all agree on is that it's supposedly the Republicans who are standing in the way. (Although they're a little vague on exactly how the Republicans could have stood in their way for the first two years of Obama's presidency.)

Which reminds me ... Obama has been running around the country urging that Congress pass his jobs bill (i.e. stimulus package) NOW. So, yesterday, the Republicans tried to get a vote on it in the Senate. And Harry Reid refused to allow the vote because there aren't enough Dem votes to pass it. Apart from this being yet one more example of how Obama's ideas are so foolish that not even Senate Dems will vote for them, this is also another example of how deceitful the Dems are. Because 10 minutes after Reid refused to allow a vote, the Obama campaign sent out email accusing the Republicans of stalling!

The Soviet Union had its useful idiots in the West. We're stuck with these lying bunglers. Of course, they're the same crowd.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Promises, promises

Way back in February 2009, Obama said on the Today Show that he'd have the economy fixed in three years or he was going to be a one-term president. (Advance to the 4:25 mark.) Looks like he might finally keep his word on something. Well, not exactly keep is word. "Be made to keep his word" is more like it. And he'll fight it every step of the way. And then he'll spend the rest of his life claiming that it was racisim (or Bush or the tsunamis or ATM's or Europe or the phase of the moon) that denied him a second term.

I wish someone would set up a website listing Obama's lies. Is taken?