We're all a little puzzled by the fact that Romney isn't 10-15 percent ahead of Obama in the polls. After all, Obama has been a miserable failure at, ummm, everything. Gas prices have doubled. Unemployment is out of control. Trillions of dollars in new debt with no hope of even the rate of increase decreasing anytime soon. A US ambassador murdered and Obama covers for the terrorists for two weeks. US flag burning all around the world in all the countries Obama apologized to in his foolish and cowardly efforts to appease dictators. The Democrat senate hasn't passed a budget in 3 years. Obama's budgets get voted down 97-0 and 99-0. He hijacked 1/6 of the US economy in order to give the government more power and already his lies about how health care will get better and costs will go down have been exposed.
The guy is a nightmare.
And this is all nothing compared to his second term when he doesn't need to worry about re-election and can be "more flexible" as he promised Putin in yet another cowardly attempt to curry with a thug.
But with 37 days to go, where's the campaign against Obama?
Where's the media blitz?
Where's Cantor?Where's Boehner?
Where's the Tea Party?
Where's Sarah Palin?
Where's Giuliani?
There's a massive base opposed to Obama and they're all being silent.