That being said, they are so in spite of Islam, not because of it. That Islam is not a religion of peace is evident for the following reasons and more.
- Their founder has gone on record - at length, and repeatedly - calling for the worst of violence against non-Muslims. Contrast this with, for example, the teachings of Christ that we should love our enemies and turn the other cheek.
- Certainly not all Muslims are terrorists, but virtually all terrorists are Muslims. In a purely hypothetical sense, this doesn't 100% guarantee that there's a causal relationship between Islam and terrorism, but in a practical sense, it does. It isn't a coincidence that virtually all terrorists are Muslims.
- Along those lines, where are the tens of thousands of Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Bhuddist, etc. terrorists? Is it possible to scour the globe to find a handful of people who are terrorists and claim to represent a religion other than Islam? Certainly! There are 7 billion people on Earth. What do you expect? But they are bizarre aberrations. But Islam produces hundreds of thousands of these psychos.
- Finally, although the vast majority of Muslims aren't terrorists, do you know when else they aren't? They aren't screaming from the hilltops denouncing the psychos who are supposedly sullying their religion. If there were a group of Christians hacking off the heads of journalists and butchering men, women, and children in the name of Christ, you can be sure that the loudest critics of those "Christians" would be the millions of actual Christians around the world. Pretty much every Christian and church on the planet would be stridently denouncing such abominations. And they would do it without any reservations or qualifiers. Where is the similar backlash from "moderate" Muslims? Very few are willing to denounce acts. Even fewer are willing to do it wholeheartedly. If Islam is a religion of peace and if the overwhelming majority of Muslims are appalled by the horrors that are practiced daily and worldwide in its name, where is the thundering, unified cry of opposition from "moderate" Muslims? The silence is deafening.