1. Obama is good at only one thing: self-promotion. Sarah Palin has a solid history of actual accomplishments. In the last few months, even liberals have come to admit what conservatives have been pointing out for years: Obama has no accomplishments. A law professor without any publications; a senator without any legislation; a community organizer who never organized anything for the community; etc.
2. A fawning media keeps telling us that Obama is an orator par excellence. Have they ever truly listened to him? His delivery is wooden. His speeches are tedious. And his favourite topic, bar none, is himself. Yawn. Plus, he's incapable of speaking even to grade 2 students without a couple teleprompters. Palin, on the other hand, needs no teleprompters. Furthermore, her speeches are electrifying. Pick any speech - whether planned or impromptu - in any setting and it has ten times the life of Obama's "best" performance.
3. The only way Obama has ever generated any excitement is with the help of a sycophantic media that grovels at his feet and keeps telling us about his "soaring oratory". (They have to tell us because, otherwise, none of us would come to that conclusion.) And even then, the excitement was shallow and short-lived. In stark contrast, even though the media has waged an all-out war on Sarah Palin telling us how dumb and unsophisticated she is, she singlehandedly generates more excitement just by walking into a room than Obama can with millions of dollars of props, rock bands, movie stars, etc.
4. In keeping with the last point, what must really burn Obama is that Sarah Palin dwarfs him in substance and in style.
5. Sarah Palin, with no official office and having never been elected to any national post has revolutionized the Republican party and even the entire country. And she has done this even though the media and the Republican establishment loathe her. The media's all-out-war against her has exposed them to be the cheap, liberal shills they are and has done nothing to dampen the enthusiasm she generates or the power she wields.
6. Again, it's worth repeating that not only does she wield tremendous power, but it's all personal power. None of it is official or bequeathed to her. It is 100% hers - the power of her character, her ideas, and her skill.
7. She shows up in Iowa and people cheer; Obama shows up in Iowa and people boo.
8. She paid for her own bus rather than forcing the taxpayers to pay for it under the deceit that this isn't a campaign trip.
9. She is a moral giant; Obama is a moral pigmy. She has integrity; Obama will tell any lie, twist any arm, bribe any weak-souled man.
10. She holds to honourable, time-tested, conservative truth. Obama is a slave of liberal dreams that have failed miserably in every instance that they have ever been tried.
We could go on. But you get the idea.
Don't get me wrong ... the MSM still wields enormous power. But that, and that alone, is Obama's only hope of not getting crushed by Sarah Palin in November 2012.