Thursday, November 27, 2014


I keep reading people talking about how, in the wake of his crushing election defeat, Obama has made the shocking decision to tack left. 

In what world is this shocking?

Obama is a flaming liberal. He's always been a flaming liberal. How is it surprising that now that he has faced his last election, he no longer feels the need to deceive moderates into voting for him?

(Yes, I realize that Obama's name wasn't on any ballot in this election. But as he said himself, this election was about him and his policies.)

Also, the overwhelming proof of Obama's extreme liberal views has been readily available to anyone who cared to look since long before he ran for president. Anyone who is surprised by how liberal he is is clueless ... willfully or otherwise. 


From Ace of Spades:

Reich-wing fascist tea-bagger George Washington is spewing dangerous religious propaganda:
Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and - Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me "to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness":


It turns out Abraham Lincoln was party to this failure to separate church and state, too. Obama, of course, feels no need to thank the God he doesn't believe in.

No class

I know I've posted about this before but it's so striking I just need to comment on it once in a while.

It is almost unspeakable how little class Obama has. Really. Especially since that's supposed to be his strong suit. Sure he's got a nice wardrobe (if he's not trying to do something sporty ... especially riding a bike), but as far as real class, what evidence is there that he has any at all? I'd say the evidence all points in the opposite direction:
  1. When he wins an election, he gloats about it. He mocks his rivals and tells them, "Elections have consequences! Do what I say!"
  2. When he loses an election, it takes him days to calm down enough to say something civil. There is never a gracious word of congratulations.
  3. He takes every opportunity to mock and ridicule Republicans - even while calling on them to be bipartisan.
  4. Have you seen how he treats hecklers or people who call out questions at one of his speeches? "I listened to you [he didn't], now you listen to me!" Are we in grade 3?!
  5. If he gets criticism, he lashes out.
  6. Six years in to his time as President, he's still taking shots at Bush and blaming him for everything.
Contrast this with George Bush. Bush spent years with the left and media screaming that he was Hitler, accusing him of ripping up the constitution, claiming that he was going to war in order to make money of oil (it was never explained how), etc. But he endured it calmly and quietly. What a refreshing contrast to Obama's thin-skinned, whiny petulance. I can't wait to have an adult back in the White House.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

James Oliphant auditioning for Yuk Yuks

Writing about Obama's Ferguson speech, "Obama was who he usually was: reasonable, professorial, trying to present both sides of the controversy..."

Anybody can make lame jokes, but it's adding touches like "was who he usually was" bumps it up a notch.

Oh THIS will help

Al Sharpton is going to Ferguson. His precise and level-headed thinking is exactly what's needed to calm things down. Just think of the soothing influence his soothing and measured words will have in this volatile situation. It's a good thing he's not an opportunistic, race-baiting narcissist who pounces on every chance to stoke racial tensions. Perhaps we'll be blessed with some more of his keen insights into the legal aspects of this situation. I know we've all been hankering for THAT.

Krugman must think...

that the economy in Ferguson is going to skyrocket after all the broken windows tonight.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Immigration in prime time

So Emperor Obama is going to announce his unilateral amnesty plan in a prime time address tomorrow. Just a few thoughts:
  1. Will he also explain why he was wrong the 22 times he said he couldn't do this very thing?
  2. Will he explain why he's not only circumventing the Congress and the Constitution but also the will of the American voters who resoundingly rejected his policies just a couple weeks ago?
  3. Will he chastise Republicans for their lack of bipartisanship even though he is the one who is staunchly refusing to work with them?
  4. Will he explain why he and the rest of the Democrats didn't pass immigration reform when they controlled both houses of Congress?
  5. Will he explain why he conveniently postponed his immigration announcement until after the elections?
  6. Will the Condescension Meter explode during his address?
  7. Will he explain the virtues of welcoming illegal aliens while simultaneously making those who are using the legal process wait for years? And will he explain why the United States is better off welcoming those who don't care about the law than it is welcoming those who do?
But most importantly, given that we know this move is immensely unpopular with a large majority of Americans, what in the last few years has given Obama the notion that another one of his long, tedious, arrogant, patronizing, deceitful speeches is exactly what is needed to sway Americans to his viewpoint?

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Strategy for the new Congress

Craft a simple, one-page bill every day. Don't pack it with pork. Don't complicate it with special deals for various constituents. Write a conservative, common sense, simple bill every day on one of the many, many issues that need to be fixed. One page. Something anyone who is interested in can read and comprehend quickly. Create a website where any of these bills can be viewed. Advertise it. Send the bills to Obama. Let him veto any or all of them.

Show the American people that you have simple, common-sense answers to their problems. Demonstrate that you're pro-Americans not pro-government. Make the choice between Republicans and Democrats obvious

Petulant Obama will veto most or all of them, shocked that the will of the One is being thwarted. Let him. Then watch his already low popularity crater even further and take the Democrats down with him. And look forward to 2016 when Americans will decide to elect a president who will work with a pro-American congress and not against it.

Canadian Conservative election motto

Here are some options for Canada's Conservatives to use in the next federal election:

"Don't vote for a last name."

"Vote for a Prime Minister, not for a last name."

"Vote for competence, not for a last name."

Honestly ... does ANYONE believe that Justin Trudeau would have had any success in politics if it weren't for the nostalgia many people have for his father?

He's not even a smart liar

Obama claims that he just heard about Jonathan Gruber today. Just for the record, this lie isn't even believable once. Anyone who has paid any attention to the news has probably heard about Jonathan Gruber 100 times in the past week. But Obama just heard about him today? This has been the hottest anti-Obamacare story for a week and Obama expects us to believe he hasn't heard about it? That's not believable on any level. But suppose it's true. This is Obama's defense? That he's the most clueless person in America and his staff is utterly incompetent? Really? That's his defense?

So now we're supposed to believe that the President of the United States not only gets all his information from watching the evening news, but that he has a one-week time delay. Maybe Biden videotapes the news on Betamax for him and he waits a week before watching?

(It doesn't help his cause that he's used this defense for the last fifty or so scandals in his administration.)

We knew he was a liar; it's just surprising that after so much practice, he's still so bad at it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Obama the negotiator

Ahhh ... it's good to see that Obama is as good at negotiating as he is at everything else. He's just negotiated a deal with China on carbon emissions. In return for the United States eviscerating its economy by drastically slashing carbon emissions by 2025, China has promised to start reducing its emissions in 2030. Honest.

Excellent. If Obama has his way, the United States will commit economic suicide right away based on the promise that the Chinese will begin to reduce their carbon emissions four presidential terms from now. And I think we all know exactly how much promises from the Chinese government are worth.

Maybe this crack negotiator can make some similar deals with me. Here are some that he could probably talk me into using his awesome skills:
  1. In return for giving me immediate use of Air Force One whenever I want it, I will promise to start sending him Christmas cards in 2030.
  2. In return for giving me all tax collected on gasoline from now until the end of time, I vow to start reducing my Big Mac intake in 2030.
  3. In return for signing Camp David over to me, I will agree to start putting at least some items in a blue box in 2030.  
I'm guessing countries are going to be lining up to make deals with Obama after this.

Obama E Coyote ... Super Genius.