I understand being unhappy about the times Trump has been crude.
I understand he's not the completely principled conservative we would love to have.
But he's the President and he is intent upon implementing more conservative policies than any president since Reagan. For the first time in memory, we have a Republican taking on the corrupt, leftist MSM and making headway. He wants to roll back government and dismantle the administrative state more than any successful Republican in decades.
So I don't understand the behaviour of Nevertrumpers. Or, worse, I understand them all too well.
It increasingly seems to me that the Nevertrumpers had some legitimate concerns about Trump and mixed in a bunch of concerns that proved to be illegitimate. But now, rather than admitting that they went too far, they're eager to pounce on anything that would justify their previous hysteria.
So rather than support him and the plethora of truly conservative policies he wants to implement. And rather than join him in seeing victory after victory over the left and the MSM (but I repeat myself), the Nevertrumpers are hoping to see him fail. Not for the good of the country, not for the good of the conservative cause, but just to save face.
There are some excellent people among the Nevertrumpers. But I'm finding that they're becoming petty and self-serving.
We have a chance to see untold damage done to the left and untold good done for the country. Please ... stop trying to prove you were right and join the greatest deconstruction of the left that we've seen.
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