Friday, November 08, 2019

Trump Term Two: “I love immigrants!”

The first in a series of posts about tactics Trump could use to win re-election.

This tactic denies the Left the ability to lie by claiming Trump is a fascist.

Trump needs to present himself as the biggest friend LEGAL immigrants have and the biggest enemy ILLEGAL immigrants have. The Left has been deceitfully pretending there’s no difference between legal and illegal immigrants. Trump should deny them the ability to make this false claim.

He can simply say, “The Left claims I hate immigrants. They’re lying. I love immigrants! I married one! Thanks to me, America has an immigrant as the First Lady. The difference is that I love LEGAL immigrants. The Left loves ILLEGAL immigrants because the Left hates America and wants to stack the voting rolls in their favor.”

He can further make the case that illegal immigrants are the biggest enemy legal immigrants have and that by fighting illegal immigration, he is doing the best thing for legal immigrants. And there’s no shortage of legal immigrants who will back him up on this.

If he wants to go further, he can expand on how he stands for supporting immigrants who love America and who are the kind of upright people who want to follow the law.

Lots more could be said but the main point is that Trump should make it clear he loves legal. America-loving immigrants. Hammer this home enough and the Left’s lie that he’s a racist becomes transparent and powerless.

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