Trump Term Two: Goals
Normal Americans have no problems getting along - even when they disagree. For that matter, normal Americans disagree with each other far less that Twitter or the MSM make it seem. This is because there are institutions that are fostering an extreme leftist agenda. These institutions are attempting to reshape America by deceiving as many Americans as possible and fostering hatred for the Americans they can't deceive.
These seditious institutions need to be reformed. When Trump gets re-elected, he needs to clean house on the following for the good of America:
- The MSM. It is overwhelmingly biased to the point where they don't even try to deny it anymore. Every form of corruption is allowable - as long as Democrats are the culprit. The MSM has to be exposed as the leftist shills they are. The American people deserve an unbiased reporting of news, rather than socialist utopian wishes masquerading as news.
- The Deep State. The Washington swamp needs to be drained. This includes anyone in either party whose goal is to benefit the politicians instead of Americans. The people who were involved in the unsuccessful coup to take down Trump by using a fake Russian dossier need to go to jail. All of them. That includes Obama, Biden, and Hillary. This is a scandal 10 times worse than Watergate and they're currently all getting a pass because the MSM and the Deep State will do everything they can to protect Democrats. As long as Democrats are allowed to use the power of government - the FBI, the CIA, the IRS, etc. - to target and punish their political foes, America isn't safe.
- Big Tech. Again, overwhelmingly biased. Actively working against the First Amendment by censoring conservatives in a variety of ways. There was a day when the left championed the First Amendment. That day is long gone. (Aside: When the left championed the First Amendment, their goal was to spread as much pornography as possible. When the right champions the First Amendment, their goal is to protect political speech, religious speech, etc. This speaks volumes about the relative integrity of the two sides.)
- Voter Fraud. Only the Republicans care about voter fraud because only the Democrats use it to cheat. There's a reason the Democrats scream like babies whenever measures are suggested to prevent voter fraud. And it's time black America realized that the party who says, "We can't have voter ID laws because minorities are too dumb to use ID" isn't their friend.
- The Educational System. School choice is a must so that good teachers and good schools are rewarded. The teachers' unions only care about more power and money for teachers. They care nothing for the students. Also, our schools are increasingly spending their time, money, and efforts on socialist or Marxist indoctrination rather than, you know, teaching. The government should stop funding universities whose goal is to train students to think the United States is evil. One idea is to make university funding based on the employment rate of graduates. This will encourage universities to focus on useful programs instead of worthless ones.
There's more to do, but this would be a fantastic start. These institutions are undermining everything America is based on. They could all be wonderfully valuable. In fact, they have been in the past. But at the moment, they are a cancer on America.
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