Friday, September 30, 2011

"Don't blame me ... blame yourselves"

I know that about three years ago Obama promised us we could blame him if the economy wasn't great in three years, but we should have guess that under no circumstances would he ever accept responsibility for anything. After spending most of the last several years blaming Bush for the economy (boy, that Bush sure is powerful ... he's been relaxing on his ranch for three years and Obama and the entire Democratic party still can't overcome him), this year has seen him widen his accusations to include the Japanese tsunami, the Arab Spring, earthquakes, ATM's, climate change, congress (including the Democrats!), the Tea Party, the Energizer bunny, cursive writing, etc.

He's getting desperate. It seems his current idea is to blame everything and everyone on earth in turn until some excuse finds traction with the public. (This week, he and Timmy tried blaming Europe, which was immediately met by about every second German citizen schooling Obama on finances.)

But, if your goal is to get the American people to vote for you, do you know who you might want to avoid blaming for their current hardships? All of them en masse. Yet, so desperate is Obama to avoid responsibility for his horrifically failed policies that tonight he did just that:

"The way I think about it is, you know, this is a great, great country
that had gotten a little soft and, you know, we didn't have that same
competitive edge that we needed over the last couple of decades. We need
to get back on track."

The problem with being the SMARTEST MAN ALIVE is that you think all of your ideas are excellent and discount anyone - even those closest to you - when they question whether or not your latest scheme is Nobel Prize worthy. That's pretty much the only explanation I can come up with for why Obama tried out excuse #718 tonight. Surely there's at least one person in the White House who could have said, "Say, you know what won't really endear you to the public? Blaming them for all their woes."

(Of course, trust Biden to go off script.)

As annoying as hubris is, at least it can occasionally have some good results. If Obama were to have any humility, he might actually learn something or at least be able to say something (however insincerely) that resonates with voters. But his arrogance won't allow him to even partially accept the responsibility for his policies. So he'll blame everyone else. And he honestly seems to think that people are going to think, "You know, now that the MOST POWERFUL ORATOR IN THE HISTORY OF SPEECH has pointed it out, I realize that that all of his brilliant plans have been derailed by my weakness. I'm just going to go out and be more competitive and then the recession will end. Thank you, Obama. I can't wait to vote for you next year."

(Incidentally, this is why Dick Morris' speculation that Obama might not seek re-election is mistaken. Sure, sure ... a savvy politician with the best interests of his party (or even his country) at heart might very well adopt such a course of action. But Obama cares for one person and one person only. The idea that he might lay aside personal glory and advancement for the good of the Democrats is simply something that would never seriously cross his mind. I doubt he even understands the concept.)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Obamanomics and Obamacare: the fruit of socialism

Milton Wolf (Obama's cousin, by the way) writes:
Obamanomics has become its own parody, a disastrous amalgam of wildly increased deficit spending, central planning, bailouts, takeovers, unconstitutional mandates, overregulation, crony favoritism, debased currency and increased taxes. The “smartest guy ever to become president,” as pundits used to call him, knows only one solution to every problem: Grow the government. Now his proverbial chickens have come home to roost and the landscape is littered with the results: Unemployment. High gas prices. Deficits. Food stamps. Poverty. Uninsured people. Foreclosures. Bankruptcies. Layoffs. Phony green jobs. Downgraded America. This is Obamanomics.

Obamacare has become emblematic of big government’s arrogant incompetence. It’s a 2,700-page monstrosity whose rules are still being written more than a year after its passage. Its supporters could not be bothered to read it before forcing it upon us, even as one of their own called it “a Ponzi scheme of the first order, the kind of thing Bernie Madoff would have been proud of.” The landscape is littered with Obamacare’s broken promises: Keep your doctor. Keep your insurance. Cut the deficit. Reduce premiums. Create 4 million new jobs. All lies. Instead, connected friends got Obamacare waivers while the rest of America has seen an increase in premiums and the roles of the uninsured actually have increased. This is Obamacare.
Read the whole column here.

Israel and peace

I've read this sentiment a number of times now, but it concisely describes the situation in the Middle East:
If the Arabs that surround Israel laid down their weapons and recognized Israel's right to exist, there would be peace.

If the Israelis laid down their weapons, the Jews would be slaughtered to the very last man, woman, and child.

Obama vs. Netanyahu

Pat Dooley writes:
Every time I see Netanyahu give a speech, I see a great leader and
statesman. Every time I see Obama read a speech from his Teleprompter, I
see a petulant, ignorant weakling.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Which reminds me...

What about Canada?

So, when I read the news that the U.S. and 30-some other countries walked out of Ahmadinejad's speech at the UN yesterday, I quickly scanned the list of countries that walked out. I was pretty shocked to not find Canada on the list. Really? France walked out but not Canada?! But do you know what other country wasn't on the list? Israel. Because only Israel and Canada had the sense to boycott the speech from the start.

As a Canadian, I have to say that it's fabulous to be able to be consistently proud of our Prime Minister and his steadfast support of Israel instead of terrorists. Which is why Stephen Harper tops the list of non-Jews positively influencing Jewish future.

(It's worth noting that even when Obama is going out of his way to shore up the Jewish vote after stabbing Israel in the back for almost three years, he still can't bring himself to support Israel whole-heartedly.)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Typical liberal hypocrisy

Ah, yes. When Bush wanted the government to be able to more easily tap the phones of those communicating with known terrorists, Democrats went into a frenzy about civil rights and how he was "shredding the Constitution". But when Obama wants the government to have access to the health records of every American, that's just fine.