Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Israel and Obama

Once again, Obama is scolding Israel. He bows to dictators but incessantly betrays America's only real ally in the Middle East. Israel is also the only country in the entire Middle East that respects human rights. So, of course, Obama maligns them and panders to countries that have brutalized their own people for generations.

Thankfully, Israel has a simple way to cope with the Obama problem: ignore him. Although he will continue to be an annoyance throughout the remainder of his one-term presidency, he has virtually no power to trouble Israel. Having proven to be an abject failure at every aspect of the presidency (other than getting elected in the first place ... and he couldn't even have done that without a complicit media who ignored his many failings and exaggerated (or invented) his few strengths), Obama commands very little respect or power. Having lost the House of Representatives, Obama has no chance of implementing any significant policies against Israel, no matter how much he longs to do so. But the situation is even worse than that (for him) because not even the Democrat-controlled Senate sides with him on Israel. Just look at the repeated standing ovations Bibi received as he addressed a joint session of Congress and respectfully schooled Obama as one might school an ignorant child.

So Obama will no doubt bluster a fair bit about Israel throughout the waning days of his failed presidency, but that's all it will be: bluster. Besides, he will have very little time or thought for Israel in these last few months. He's going to be far more concerned with the only thing he really cares about: himself.

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