Sunday, November 20, 2016

The hypocrisy and hate of the left

Riots. Vandalism. Assaults. Calls to assassinate Trump or rape his wife. All of this from people who simultaneously and sanctimoniously claim that they're loving and it's the Republicans who are haters. Only the left would engage in such behaviour on this scale and only the left would have the nerve to be so hypocritical.

And the media gives them a pass.

If mobs had taken to the streets after Obama's election in 2008 with similar behaviour and threats against him and Michelle, does anyone think the media would have given them a pass? The MSM would have (rightly) denounced it 24/7. But when such behaviour is directed at Republicans, the MSM is complicitly silent.

The only bright side is that, as already mentioned, the MSM and Dems (but I repeat myself) have decided to double-down on the despicable tactics that lost them this election.

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