This post could go on forever. But it is an indication of the panic of MSM to contrast their treatment of Sarah Palin with their treatment of Obama.
On the one hand, the MSM hungrily publishes any and all rumours about Sarah Palin. Most of these could be proven false with only a few minutes of checking, but their is no fact-checking taking place. Although fact-checking is a given for any journalist with integrity, it is a road block to those trying to banish Palin. Having discovered that they have essentially nothing to directly criticize Palin for, they have bravely bonded together in waging war against a 17-year-old girl. Now
that's journalism!
Contrast this with their reverence for Obama. They self-righteously insist that we're entitled to know these personal details (about Bristol Palin) because ... ummm ... we're not sure why. But the Democratic candidate for president is off limits. No need to know about his past. Nope. Move along, folks. Nothing to see here.
More effort (a hundred times more!) has been poured by "journalists" into investigating a teenage girl than into any examination of a man who might be the next president. Which network has investigated any of the following valid concerns:
1. Obama's long-standing and on-going relationship with an unrepentant domestic terrorist (William Ayers).
2. Obama's long-standing and on-going relationship with a racist, hate-spewing, anti-American "pastor" (Jeremiah Wright). Apparently Obama spent 20 years there and didn't notice the rabid anti-American racism that spews forth weekly. Obviously, that's a lie. But even if we were to grant Obama the benefit of the doubt, how does that get him off the hook? If a man can spend 20 years under the preaching of such a vicious hate-monger and not notice it, surely this man is not fit for the presidency. Obama spent 20 years and still didn't figure out what anyone else realizes in 5 minutes? Do we really want such an unspeakably dense man leading the free world? If Obama can have two decades of personal experience and blatant evidence and still not see the truth that is obvious to all, then surely he isn't the man to engage in talks with world leaders.
3. Obama's questionable business relations.
4. The fact that Obama - for all his bluster - can''t point to any accomplishments in his political career.
No, the MSM has no time for any of those vital questions. But they do have time to pry into the love life of teenage girls. Such is the dignity and significance of the MSM.