Wednesday, September 03, 2008

If Palin (I mean, umm, McCain) is elected...

1. The Democratic Party is dead. That isn't to say they won't one day be resurrected. But it will be a long time away. If they can't win the presidency this year, they certainly won't win it in 2012. The Democrats have every advantage this year. Such won't be the case again any time soon.

2. As the previous post stated, she will be the 45th president.

3. The Republican party will get a much-needed re-invigorating (if that's a word).

4. Republicans will make significant gains in both the House and the Senate in 2010 and retake both houses in 2012.

5. The MSM will continue its slow but inevitable death spiral.

6. Alec Baldwin may eventually move out of the U.S. (oh please, oh please).

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