Thursday, September 04, 2008

Palin's accomplishments

Last night's speech settled the matter for any objective listener. But, just in case you want more, there's a summary at Anchor Rising.

What a refreshing difference from last week's convention. Think about this: the Democrats went into the convention knowing that one of the main objections to Barack Obama as president is his anorexic resume. They had a week to make the case that Obama has accomplished something (other than writing self-congratulatory books). They had the friendliest audience imaginable. Obama could have claimed to have invented the internet and they would have bought it.

But, even in such a setting, nobody - not even Obama himself - could list any accomplishments other than winning the Democratic presidential nomination. Well, presidential elections are about electing people to govern, not to campaign. Obama has had years of opportunity to govern, but has never managed to do so. Palin, on the other hand, governed with astonishing effectiveness from day one in every sphere she's been in.

Oh, and lest we forget, all anybody is doing these days is comparing the Democrat's presidential nominee with the Republican's vice-presidential nominee. That alone says it all.

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