Friday, February 18, 2011

Is anything NOT a Martin Luther King moment?

Jesse Jackson has declared the current showdown in Wisconsin to be a "real Martin Luther King moment". He then goes on to whine that democracy is at stake.

The first problem with this is that, if Jesse is to be taken seriously, pretty much everything is a Martin Luther King moment. He's a man who cheapens both MLK and what he stood for by likening his every weekly cause to MLK's.

The second problem is that democracy IS under attack here. Democratically elected officials desire to vote to implement policies consistent with everything they campaigned for and the Democrats, rather than accepting the will of the people, run away to a resort. Obama (of course) says he hasn't been following the Wisconsin situation too closely but, never one to let ignorance keep him from taking a stand, declares this exercise of democracy to be a travesty. Although, this is to be expected ... the majority of Americans opposed (and continue to oppose) Obamacare and he rammed it down everyone's throats anyway.

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