Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The problem with Obama's lies

Of course, lying is a problem in and of itself. The extra problem with Obama's lies is that they're so obvious that they're insulting.

For instance, Obama claims to be "grappling" with the issue of gay marriage. Does anyone believe this? Obama, like all good liberals, is pro-gay marriage. He's also pro-abortion, pro-higher taxes, pro-big government, pro-global warming alarmism, etc. Everyone knows this. But Obama, lacking the spine required to say what he actually believes and knowing that he's out of touch with the average American, refuses to actually say what he believes. Hence, the lies.

In a surprise to no one, Obama's claim to be "grappling" with the issue of gay marriage comes at a time when he has decided to drop supporting the section of the Defense of Marriage Act that defines marriage as being between a man and a woman. Ah, yes. There's a shocker.

To recap: You had to be unspeakably naive to not know Obama was pro-gay marriage before he dropped support of DOMA. How clueless do you have to be to not realize it after he dropped support?

Yet Obama boldly tells this lie knowing that there are a few people dumb enough to believe it. But, more importantly, because he knows that there's a massive number of liberals (including the MSM) who, although they know he's lying, are delighted to join the lie because it advances one of their favourite causes.

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