Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Is terrorism good or bad? I forget.

One of the great things about being a conservative is that you never end up on the wrong side of the most basic moral debates. For instance, when forced to choose which it's better to kill: serial rapists or babies, conservatives say serial rapists and liberals say babies.

Similarly, if you knew nothing else, you could choose which party to vote for by finding out who terrorists support and then voting for the other guy. Is it a coincidence that in every U.S. presidential election in recent memory, the world's various terrorist organizations have railed against the Republican candidate and sided with the Democrat candidate? As soon as you hear Hamas, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, etc. singing the praises of one party, shouldn't that be sufficient evidence that the other party is to be preferred? For conservatives, it is. For liberals, well, not so much. After all, if you voted for the Republican, you'd be tacitly supporting Israel, and that's another area where liberals and terrorists are all too similar.

Anyway, this came to mind today when I read of Iran's crazy leader's (I know, I know ... that doesn't narrow it down enough) sympathy with the Occupy Wall Street crowd. I understand that they both have a shared aversion to bathing. But still. When a terrorism-supporting regime opts to side with your little group, don't you think that reveals the true nature of the group?

Conservatives don't have to apologize for why terrorist regimes support the Tea Party, because they don't. (Also, people in the Tea Party bathe regularly.)

Of course, I don't write this in an effort to convert liberals: if liberals were rational, they wouldn't be liberals. I just point out that conservatives enjoy the benefit of being on side with the salt of the earth while liberals keep finding themselves shacked up with terrorists, etc. (Insert your own Obama-Bill Ayers reference here.)

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