Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Undeniable proof that Democrats can't govern

It's been almost 900 days since the Democrat-controlled Senate passed a budget. For most of that time, the House was also controlled by Democrats. So, even when they are in complete control of the Senate, House, and White House, the Dems are unable to pass a budget. (And remember ... during that time Obama presented his own budget which the Democrat-controlled Senate rejected 97-0. You can't make this stuff up. The Dems have their messianic president and yet not a single one of them will vote for his budget.)

And, of course, just because Democrats are not only incompetent but then have to lie and attempt to pass the buck, the one and only thing they all agree on is that it's supposedly the Republicans who are standing in the way. (Although they're a little vague on exactly how the Republicans could have stood in their way for the first two years of Obama's presidency.)

Which reminds me ... Obama has been running around the country urging that Congress pass his jobs bill (i.e. stimulus package) NOW. So, yesterday, the Republicans tried to get a vote on it in the Senate. And Harry Reid refused to allow the vote because there aren't enough Dem votes to pass it. Apart from this being yet one more example of how Obama's ideas are so foolish that not even Senate Dems will vote for them, this is also another example of how deceitful the Dems are. Because 10 minutes after Reid refused to allow a vote, the Obama campaign sent out email accusing the Republicans of stalling!

The Soviet Union had its useful idiots in the West. We're stuck with these lying bunglers. Of course, they're the same crowd.

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