Sunday, November 16, 2014

He's not even a smart liar

Obama claims that he just heard about Jonathan Gruber today. Just for the record, this lie isn't even believable once. Anyone who has paid any attention to the news has probably heard about Jonathan Gruber 100 times in the past week. But Obama just heard about him today? This has been the hottest anti-Obamacare story for a week and Obama expects us to believe he hasn't heard about it? That's not believable on any level. But suppose it's true. This is Obama's defense? That he's the most clueless person in America and his staff is utterly incompetent? Really? That's his defense?

So now we're supposed to believe that the President of the United States not only gets all his information from watching the evening news, but that he has a one-week time delay. Maybe Biden videotapes the news on Betamax for him and he waits a week before watching?

(It doesn't help his cause that he's used this defense for the last fifty or so scandals in his administration.)

We knew he was a liar; it's just surprising that after so much practice, he's still so bad at it.

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