Sunday, November 16, 2014

Strategy for the new Congress

Craft a simple, one-page bill every day. Don't pack it with pork. Don't complicate it with special deals for various constituents. Write a conservative, common sense, simple bill every day on one of the many, many issues that need to be fixed. One page. Something anyone who is interested in can read and comprehend quickly. Create a website where any of these bills can be viewed. Advertise it. Send the bills to Obama. Let him veto any or all of them.

Show the American people that you have simple, common-sense answers to their problems. Demonstrate that you're pro-Americans not pro-government. Make the choice between Republicans and Democrats obvious

Petulant Obama will veto most or all of them, shocked that the will of the One is being thwarted. Let him. Then watch his already low popularity crater even further and take the Democrats down with him. And look forward to 2016 when Americans will decide to elect a president who will work with a pro-American congress and not against it.

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