Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Some of the things that are missing from Dan's "apology"

Where is his apology to the First Lady for ridiculing her doubt of the
memos' authenticity?

Where is his apology to the President for running a shoddy partisan smear
segment based on nothing but cheap forgeries supplied by a Democrat hack?

Where is his apology for constantly insisting (knowing it was untrue) that
his source was "unimpeachable"?

Where is his apology for viciously maligning those who questioned the documents'
authenticity? Apparently the people he so smugly denounced as morons were
right after all.

Where is his apology to all of us for thinking we're so stupid that he could
slip such ridiculously poor forgeries past us? And for thinking that all he
had to do was huff and puff and the sheer grandeur of Dan Rather would be
enough to make us reject inconsequential things like evidence and facts?

Where is his proof of how sorry he is? That is, why hasn't he exposed the

Why hasn't he apologized for being so hungry to help Kerry that he rushed
the cheapest junk he could find to air?

And where are the apologies of all the other editors, producers, and executives who are

Heads need to roll ... starting with Rather's, but not ending there ... if
CBS is ever again to be taken seriously as anything other than an appendage of the
Democratic Party.

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