Thursday, September 23, 2004

Windsurfing and flip-flopping

Here's an odd thing: an issue that John Kerry has two positions on!

The Bush campaign has launched a new ad with John Kerry windsurfing. It shows Kerry going first one way and then another as it lists his various contradictory positions on Iraq. It ends with "John Kerry ... whichever way the wind blows".

The Kerry Spot quotes a CNN article which has Kerry and Edwards bitterly complaining about the ad:

The Kerry campaign reacted angrily to the ad, charging that its "lighthearted" approach was inappropriate in the middle of a war.

"This is a shameful advertisement that shows a disturbing disregard for those fighting and sacrificing in Iraq," said Kerry spokesman Mike McCurry, who demanded that the president repudiate it.

Edwards offered a similar critique during an appearance in Miami, Florida.

"Today George Bush is laughing again. Over 1,000 Americans have lost their lives. Americans are being beheaded. Iraq is a mess, and they think this is a joke," Edwards said. "It is clear they have no idea how to protect our troops, but they will do anything to protect their jobs."

If Kerry doesn't like humour, then he shouldn't say such laughable things. But, more to the point, it's a bit rich to hear Kerry & Edwards complaining about joking in the same week that Kerry went on Letterman!

So Bush should immediately run a second windsurfing ad that has exactly the same video & music, but the audio & text should alternate between Kerry on Letterman and Kerry whining about Bush having the gall to joke during wartime.

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