Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The character candidate vs. the caricature candidate

George Bush has repeatedly distinguished himself as a man of principle and character - standing up for his beliefs and holding fast to what he believes to be right even when he knows it will cost him votes.

John Kerry, on the other hand, is a caricature. He's the embodiment of everything bad about a candidate: no principles, obvious pandering to polls, an admitted war criminal, a wife of undetermined species, decades of non-accomplishment in the Senate, makes Teddy Kennedy look conservative, etc., etc.

But now he's striving to not just be a caricature of himself, but also of everything bad about every other major Democrat. In 2000 Al Gore was down by about 800 votes in Florida and decided to contest the election. After a month of dubious recounts in only strategically selected counties, with obviously foolish new rules for "interpreting" ballots, etc. he only managed to "find" 300 more votes. It was ridiculous then when he was down by only 800. But now Kerry is down by 135,000+ in Ohio and he's going to try the same thing?!


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