Monday, November 01, 2004

More foreign leaders for Kerry

John Kerry has assured us (and who could doubt his word??) that many foreign leaders want him to replace Bush as president. Initially there was skepticism on the right concerning this claim. But as we get closer to the election and more and more foreign leaders come out to oppose Bush, it's time for us to eat humble pie and admit that Kerry was being uncharacteristically honest: a large number of foreign leaders do want him to beat Bush.

As we've already mentioned, Yasser does.

But now we see that China does, too.

And, of course, there's the big news that Osama is also eager to see Bush get the boot.

Finally, given that Yasser and Osama both want Bush gone, it's a safe bet that all the world terrorist leaders (or at least the Islamic ones ... but I repeat myself) prefer Kerry, even if they haven't publicly endorsed him.

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