Monday, November 01, 2004

The real message of a Kerry victory

If John Kerry wins the election tomorrow it will mean many things for America ... all of them bad. But there is evil of a Kerry win that would dwarf all others.

Quite simply a Kerry victory is a victory for terrorists.

Oh, I don't mean that Kerry supports terrorists or that he would call off the dogs. Kerry might continue the war. But it wouldn't matter. Even if he were to be harsher on terrorists than Bush has been (probability: 0%) it wouldn't matter. Because terrorists the world over will have the same perception: terrorists can choose the president of the United States of America.

I'm not saying terrorists like Kerry. They may hate him. But this much is true: they hate Bush more. Above all else terrorists want Bush gone. And several have come out and said so. If Kerry were to be elected tomorrow, terrorists will conclude that their heinous and brutal methods have been successful in overthrowing the most powerful man on earth. You can argue that they'd be wrong in that assessment. But whether they are right or wrong is, sadly, irrelevant. That will be their perception. And that is all that matters. Having seen terrorism work in Spain and other places, they will now believe that it has worked in the United States. And this will lead to more acts of terror that will dwarf in number and, eventually, in magnitude anything we have seen so far.

Terrorists want to get rid of Bush. Their crimes in Iraq and elsewhere have been to that end. And, if for whatever reason, Bush isn't re-elected tomorrow, they will be utterly convinced that terror works. Rejoicing will be universal and uncontrolled throughout the terrorist world. Recruits will flock to them. The Great Satan will have been defeated in a symbolic battle that will inspire these despicable fiends for generations to come.

Sadly, the fact that the polls aren't 90/10 for Bush is already a victory for terror. A narrow win for Bush tomorrow would also embolden terrorists, although not to the same degree. A narrow win for Bush would leave terrorists thinking, "We almost did it! We'll just have to push a little harder next time. Behead a few more westerners. Maybe start slaughtering children on video."

Obviously the people who vote for John Kerry are not voting to support terrorists. But the sad unpleasant reality is that terrorists won't see it that way. They will interpret every vote for Kerry as one more American who was sufficiently scared to keep from voting for Bush.

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