Wednesday, November 03, 2004

This is HUGE! (2)

The last one was a bit long, but here's a quick list of some of the reasons this is huge:
  1. Bush advanced in almost every conceivable way.
  2. Bush ran on principle and the public supported him.
  3. Bush overcame not only the normal obstacles, but also the united assault of the MSM.
  4. Kerry tried every dirty trick imagineable, told every conceivable lie, and Bush still won.
  5. The public voted on the basis of morals, showing that the American people are far more principled than the Dems ever dreamed. A nightmare for the Dems.
  6. In the next four years Bush will make appointments to the Supreme Court.
  7. In the next four years Bush will expand democracy in the Middle East.
  8. Bush will support Israel - the PA is finished.
  9. The UN, the French, the Germans, etc. are all irrelevant now.
  10. The terrorists who were working so hard to prevent Bush's re-election have failed. And now they know he's coming after them with a vengeance. No need to worry about re-election.
  11. Osama bin Moron gave his best shot and still couldn't get Kerry elected.
  12. Mikey Moose's lies failed to steal the election for Kerry.
  13. Alec Baldwin may leave the country.
  14. Conservative values win elections. The electorate has spoken and this is a serious victory for conservatives in the culture war.
  15. All of the cheap and foul tactics of the Dems failed to steal an election for them.
  16. Lots more.

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