Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Bush's speech

Bush gave a speech at the Kirby Center For The Performing Arts in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania today. If only the debate had been more like this. Brilliant stuff. Like this:
My opponent was against all of our middle class tax relief. He voted instead to squeeze another $2,000 per year from the average middle class family. Now the Senator is proposing higher taxes on more than 900,000 small business owners. My opponent is one of the few candidates in history to campaign on a pledge to raise taxes. And that's the kind of promise a politician from Massachusetts usually keeps.
And this:
The nonpartisan National Journal analyzed his record and named John Kerry the most liberal member of the United States Senate. And when the competition includes Ted Kennedy, that's really saying something. I'm telling you, I know that bunch. It wasn't easy for my opponent to become the single most liberal member of the Senate. You might even say, it was hard work.
And especially this:
This nation is determined: we will stay in the fight until the fight is won. My opponent agrees with all this — except when he doesn't. Last week in our debate, he once again came down firmly on every side of the Iraq war. He stated that Saddam Hussein was a threat and that America had no business removing that threat. Senator Kerry said our soldiers and Marines are not fighting for a mistake — but also called the liberation of Iraq a "colossal error." He said we need to do more to train Iraqis, but he also said we shouldn't be spending so much money over there. He said he wants to hold a summit meeting, so he can invite other countries to join what he calls "the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time." He said terrorists are pouring across the Iraqi border, but also said that fighting those terrorists is a diversion from the war on terror. You hear all that and you can understand why somebody would make a face.

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