Sunday, October 24, 2004

Court says "no" to cheating

Democrats have been trying to get provisional ballots cast in the wrong precinct declared legitimate, but the stinkin' courts keep telling them that cheating is not allowed. First in Florida and now in Michigan.

Allowing votes from the wrong precinct to be counted would help Democrats in two ways, since the vast majority of people who cast their vote in the wrong place fall into one of two categories:
  1. Morons. Really, how hard is this? Once every four years you have to figure out where to vote. And you're given the location in writing. Disallowing votes cast in the wrong place will mean throwing out the votes of large numbers of morons.
  2. Criminals. All those people who have registered to vote two or more times have to find a place to vote. And they might just be clever enough to realized they'd better vote in two different places in order to reduce their chances of getting caught. (This is a crime, by the way.)
So by upholding the law, the court is going to "disenfranchise" a good many morons and criminals. So why are the Democrats fighting the law? Because they need as many morons and criminals to vote as possible, since both groups tilt heavily Democrat. (More or less by definition.)

The only thing I'm surprised by is that the Democrats haven't campaigned to have voting stations set up in beer stores and welfare offices.

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