Tuesday, October 05, 2004

CBS: part of the vast right-wing conspiracy

As we all (except that colossus of integrity Michael Moore) know, WMD's and possible links to al Qaeda were only two of the twenty or so justifications for invading Iraq. (Although apparently to Moorites, the liberation of millions of people from torture and murder is unimportant.) Therefore even if Iraq never possessed WMD's and had never had any involvement with al Qaeda, the war was/is still justified on 18 out of 20 counts. Nonetheless, it turns out that it is justified on 20 out of 20 counts.

No doubt at this point Mikey Mouse Club will accuse CBS of being Bush shills. It's just one vast conspiracy involving everyone in the world and the only people smart enough to see through it are Mikey, Barbara Streisand, and Madonna.

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