Monday, October 18, 2004

Things worse than lying

John Kerry claims he personally believes life begins at conception, but that he doesn't want to impose his views on the American public. He is almost certainly lying, of course. On two counts: first of all it's incredibly unlikely that anyone as unprincipled as Kerry has a definite view on when life begins. But secondly, Kerry has no qualms at all about imposing his views on the American public.

The fact is that "life ption" isn't his view: it's a standard claim for any pro-choicer who doesn't want to lose the votes of pro-lifers. Pro-choicers know that this is code for "I completely support abortion, but I can't say that because the &#*@$ pro-lifers will revolt if I do and I'll lose the election, but you know what I mean". Once again Kerry's spinelessness is revealed. He doesn't have the guts to say what he actually believes. Instead he hides behind obvious lies and smugly expects the American people to either be his accomplices in this or to be stupid enough to fall for it.

However, let's give Kerry the benefit of the doubt. Let's assume that he is (for once) telling the truth. That only makes him more contemptible. In that case John Kerry is telling us that he personally believes that millions of American babies are being slaughtered - the vast majority of them on a whim. But he can't muster enough integrity to stand against what he believes is infanticide on a level never before seen. In fact, not only will he himself refuse to oppose mass infanticide, but he will stridently oppose anyone who does. His 20 years of voting in the Senate have shown that he has opposed any attempt to limit or regulate abortion in any way whatsoever, and he's publicly stated that should he be elected, he would refuse to nominate any judges who might overturn Roe v. Wade.

Please note that you don't have to believe that life begins at conception in order to be appalled at Kerry on this issue. The point is that he says he believes life begins at conception. So his subsequent support for abortion at every turn amounts to eager and willing complicity in what he believes to be the mass slaughter of babies.

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