Monday, October 18, 2004

John Kerry War Criminal Quiz

Take this short quiz to see what you know about Michael Moore's favourite war criminal:
  1. List the war crimes that John Kerry has admitted to committing.
  2. Given that he admitted to these crimes in order to accuse his fellow servicemen (in time of war) of the same things, and given that his testimony was used by the enemy during the torture of POW's, this means that John Kerry is either a traitorous liar, or a war criminal. Which do you think he is?
  3. List all the major media outlets that have investigated John Kerry's war crimes. (Caution: this is a trick question.)
  4. List all the questions about John Kerry's self-confessed war crimes posed to John Kerry by the "impartial" moderators at the three presidential debates. (Caution: this is a trick question.)
  5. If President Bush were a self-confessed war criminal, do you think the media would be ignoring this issue?

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