Thursday, November 04, 2004

With friends like these

Hopefully Bush won't waste much time reaching out to "allies" that are on the wrong side of the war on terror.

Jacques Chirac, the formerly significant leader of a formerly significant country, intentionally snubbed Iyad Allawi, but made time to visit Yasser Arafat. That means he prefers the company of the father of modern terrorism to the first democratically elected leader of a country that had previously suffered for decades under the thumb of another psychopathic terrorist. Of course, Chirac fought tooth and nail to save said psychopathic terrorist, proving himself to be an eager supporter of terrorists in general. And, equally clear, all of Chirac's efforts were useless because both he and his country stopped being relevant to anyone but terrorists years ago.

No doubt Chirac's petulance through this whole affair is largely from the frustration of impotence.

1 comment:

Static Compost said...

You make an interesting point here, and I must say you had me laughing with your "the formerly significant leader of a formerly significant country" quote. What is it with the French, and tyrannical arab leaders? Many are unaware but in the 80's France sold two nuclear reactors to Hussien himself, however both were sabotaged by the Israeli's.